Don’t confuse new deposits for investment returns.

Don’t confuse new deposits for investment returns.

Lots of investment platforms lump together new deposits and investment returns. So if you just opened your TFSA last year, popped in $5k to start, then deposited another $5k this year, all of a sudden your account might tell you that you’re up over 100%. Woot! Only...

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Early wins that could help you get started.

Early wins that could help you get started.

When you’re trying to make moves to improve your financial situation, it can be hard to figure out where to start. Here are some ways I help clients secure early wins: * Switch to a no-fee bank account * Move credit card debt to something with the lowest rate possible...

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Why You Should Get Rich Slow

Why You Should Get Rich Slow

Everyone likes the sound of getting rich quick, but I tend to think the slow way is better. Getting rich quick is overrated for a few different reasons, all kind of related: One, it tends to be super risky. That means the vast majority of people who try will fail, and...

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Quick Read – Jul 29 2024

People often get self-conscious about their finances because they think other people have more money than them. They see the fancy dinners, vacation photos, big house, new truck. But of course, what you don’t see is the bank account balance. You don’t see the truck or...

Quick Read – Jul 25 2024

People who live within their means are often viewed as boring or dull, joyless and miserable. Like they aren’t living life to its fullest. But I disagree. And would argue just the opposite—that people who live beyond their means are actually more miserable in the long...

Quick Read – Jul 21 2024

One of the worst things about personal finance content is how often it leaves people feeling ashamed. Like they’re not doing the right things. Like they’re missing out on all these great investment opportunities. Like they need to make better choices or be doomed to...

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Quick Read – Sep 20 2023

Quick Read – Sep 20 2023

I don’t own a pair of boxers that cost less than $20. Why? Because high-quality underwear is way more comfortable. Is more than $20 expensive? I don’t know. I guess it’s likely more than most people pay. But it adds real value to my life. You wear underwear all day...

Quick Read – Sep 18 2023

Quick Read – Sep 18 2023

People often complain about the cost of a term life insurance policy, or getting critical illness or disability insurance. “If I don’t end up using it, isn’t that just money down the drain?” Two huge things. One. Having peace of mind that your family would be taken...

Quick Read – Sep 13 2023

Quick Read – Sep 13 2023

According to AutoTrader, in June the average new vehicle went for $66,288! That’s a huge amount and over 20% higher than the year before. Prices are on the rise because inventory levels are low and demand is high. And with those higher prices, come larger loans and...

The Surprising Secret to Sounding Smarter

The Surprising Secret to Sounding Smarter

One way to sound smarter is to say less. The less you speak, the lower your odds of saying something stupid. Two examples. When I was working a corporate job and was in meetings with higher up executives, I would often make a point of not speaking up in meetings...

Quick Read – Aug 30 2023

Quick Read – Aug 30 2023

One of the trickiest parts of personal finance is managing the transitions. Like the transition from: * Spending everything to saving regularly as you start making progress in your career and start thinking more seriously about your long-term future * Doing everything...

Quick Read – Aug 28 2023

Quick Read – Aug 28 2023

You don’t have to wait until after you’re gone to leave your kids money. There’s no rule that says an inheritance must be given all at once when you die. There’s far more flexibility than that. You just need to be intentional about it. One reason people don’t gift...

Quick Read – Aug 24 2023

Quick Read – Aug 24 2023

Shame holds people back from making progress with their finances, and in life more generally. They let their failure to start saving sooner get in the way of starting to save today. They let their fear of having wasted time lead them to waste more. They let their past...

Quick Read – Aug 22 2023

Quick Read – Aug 22 2023

One reason why getting ahead or being proactive about your finances is so important is that it makes life less expensive. It takes less money to save for retirement the earlier you start. Insurance is more affordable the earlier in life you get it. You can avoid...

Quick Read – Aug 13 2023

Quick Read – Aug 13 2023

If you want to get good investment returns, you can’t miss the market’s best days. Market performance isn’t smooth. It’s choppy. It doesn’t go up 0.1%, 0.2%, drip by drip. It sometimes makes massive moves, up 5, 6, 7, 8, 9% in a single day. If you miss those days, if...

Quick Read – Aug 11 2023

Quick Read – Aug 11 2023

I often hear people say some version of, “Owning our home is our retirement plan.” Sometimes they’re half joking. But that also means they’re half serious. And retirement is no joke. Owning your home can certainly be part of how you plan for retirement, but there’s a...