Making more money does make things easier.

Making more money does make things easier.

Lots of people with six-figure incomes still live paycheck to paycheck. It’s possible to spend more than you make even if you make a lot. That’s true. It’s also true that people who make more modest incomes are sometimes able to comfortably retire with seven-figure...

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How to Set Your Kids Up for Financial Success

How to Set Your Kids Up for Financial Success

Everyone wants the best for their kids, but sometimes it’s hard to know exactly what that means in terms of action. What are the actual steps you can take to set your kids up for financial success? Here are five big ones: 1. Secure your own mask first. * Get life...

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Quick Read – Jul 29 2024

People often get self-conscious about their finances because they think other people have more money than them. They see the fancy dinners, vacation photos, big house, new truck. But of course, what you don’t see is the bank account balance. You don’t see the truck or...

Quick Read – Jul 25 2024

People who live within their means are often viewed as boring or dull, joyless and miserable. Like they aren’t living life to its fullest. But I disagree. And would argue just the opposite—that people who live beyond their means are actually more miserable in the long...

Quick Read – Jul 21 2024

One of the worst things about personal finance content is how often it leaves people feeling ashamed. Like they’re not doing the right things. Like they’re missing out on all these great investment opportunities. Like they need to make better choices or be doomed to...

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Quick Read – Feb 09 2024

Quick Read – Feb 09 2024

The predictions never stop in the finance industry. Inflation will do A. Interest rates will do B. The TSX will do XY and Z. It’s all just noise, of course. Or worse. Not just because predicting market performance is an unbelievably hard game, but because playing the...

Quick Read – Feb 05 2024

Quick Read – Feb 05 2024

Where are you investing right now? And I’m not just talking about money and markets. I mean where are you devoting your time, energy and attention in the hopes of achieving a return? You see, we’re all investors, even if we don’t have millions in the markets. We all...

Quick Read – Dec 10 2023

Quick Read – Dec 10 2023

One of the reasons planning for your future can be such a challenge is that many, if not all of us, fall under the spell of the End of History illusion. Which is really just a fancy way of saying that when we look back on our life, we can easily see that we’ve changed...

Quick Read – Dec 08 2023

Quick Read – Dec 08 2023

There’s a big difference between asking yourself a question and someone else asking you the very same question directly. It hits different. Why? Because it forces you to think harder. By saying your answer out loud, rather than just thinking it in your head, you’re...

Quick Read – Dec 04 2023

Quick Read – Dec 04 2023

If your mortgage is coming up for renewal and you’re worried about the higher rate and increased monthly payments, here are some things you could think about doing rather than just waiting anxiously: 1. Talk to your lender about their current rates and figure out what...

Quick Read – Nov 30 2023

Quick Read – Nov 30 2023

As Financial Literacy Month comes to a close, I just want to take a minute to make one thing absolutely clear: a lack of financial literacy is not why Canadians are struggling today. Consumer debt and mortgage balances haven’t ballooned because people suddenly became...

Quick Read – Nov 23 2023

Quick Read – Nov 23 2023

Every dollar you have should be working for you, not sitting in a chequing or savings account that pays next-to-zero percent. Now, in an ideal world, you’d have a plan for every dollar and a system for moving that money into all the right places automatically. And to...

Quick Read – Nov 20 2023

Quick Read – Nov 20 2023

Your money guy or gal shouldn’t just talk to you about saving more and investing better. They should also talk to you about spending wisely, because that’s a huge part of getting the most out of your money. And that’s really what this is all about. Money is just...

Quick Read – Nov 10 2023

Quick Read – Nov 10 2023

November is Financial Literacy Month and the theme is “Managing Your Money in a Changing World,” which to be frank, I find a bit laughable. I say that because I think one of the most fundamental things you should know about finance is that it doesn’t change that much....

Quick Read – Nov 07 2023

Quick Read – Nov 07 2023

When most people hear the word wealth, they think of money. Stocks, bonds and real estate. Financial wealth. But you can also define wealth more broadly, as having a plentiful supply of any particular asset or resource. Young people are wealthy in terms of time....

Quick Read – Oct 13 2023

Quick Read – Oct 13 2023

Sometimes people ask me what they can do at Tallkirk Financial Group, and my answer is always, “Everything you’d go to your bank to do, you can do here.” You want to set up a checking or high-interest savings account? No problem. A TFSA, RRSP, RESP, RRIF, or any other...

Quick Read – Oct 11 2023

Quick Read – Oct 11 2023

Trying to be less judgemental is a worthwhile goal because judgement often gets in the way of good communication, shared understanding, and lasting connection. When people feel judged, they shut down and pull away. No one likes the feeling. Luckily, I think we can all...