by TallKirk | Aug 15, 2023 | Insurance, Quick Reads
Taking out loans against their assets is a common strategy wealthy people use for two reasons. One is that it allows the asset to continue growing in value (rather than selling it). And the second is that the loan isn’t treated as income (and thus isn’t taxed). So you...
by TallKirk | Dec 28, 2022 | Insurance, Quick Reads
When most people think about the purpose of life insurance, they think about covering their funeral expenses and their debt (typically their mortgage in particular). And as a minimum or a starting point, maybe that’s okay. It’s certainly better than nothing. But it’s...
by TallKirk | Dec 17, 2022 | Goal Setting & Planning, Insurance, Quick Reads
Giving our clients peace of mind is a big area of focus at Tallkirk Financial Group. We know financial stress and anxiety hurts people’s quality of life and is a huge source of frustration in people’s relationships. It’s hard to enjoy precious moments when you’re...
by TallKirk | Dec 9, 2022 | Insurance, Quick Reads
Insurance is one of the best tools grandparents can use to set their grandkids up for success later in life. There are three ways to do it: 1. First and foremost, insurance plays a key role in estate planning because it’s an effective and tax-efficient way to pass...
by TallKirk | Nov 24, 2022 | Insurance, Quick Reads
People often wonder about why or whether they should bother to get life insurance for their kids. Let’s talk about two reasons why, and then tackle whether it makes sense for you. The first reason is to guarantee their insurability later in life without the need for...
by TallKirk | Nov 22, 2022 | Insurance, Quick Reads
Your life insurance company doesn’t want you to die. If you have a term life insurance policy and you die tragically early in life, the life insurance company loses money. That’s kind of the whole idea. You get insurance to protect against this risk and make sure your...