by TallKirk | Sep 18, 2023 | Quick Reads
People often complain about the cost of a term life insurance policy, or getting critical illness or disability insurance. “If I don’t end up using it, isn’t that just money down the drain?” Two huge things. One. Having peace of mind that your family would be taken...
by TallKirk | Sep 13, 2023 | Quick Reads
According to AutoTrader, in June the average new vehicle went for $66,288! That’s a huge amount and over 20% higher than the year before. Prices are on the rise because inventory levels are low and demand is high. And with those higher prices, come larger loans and...
by TallKirk | Sep 11, 2023 | Goal Setting & Planning, Quick Reads
People still turn to friends and family for financial advice all the time. But, generally speaking, it’s a terrible idea for a few different reasons. One is that your family and friends are unlikely to know the full details of your financial situation, and without the...
by TallKirk | Sep 7, 2023 | Quick Reads
One way to sound smarter is to say less. The less you speak, the lower your odds of saying something stupid. Two examples. When I was working a corporate job and was in meetings with higher up executives, I would often make a point of not speaking up in meetings...
by TallKirk | Aug 30, 2023 | Quick Reads
One of the trickiest parts of personal finance is managing the transitions. Like the transition from: * Spending everything to saving regularly as you start making progress in your career and start thinking more seriously about your long-term future * Doing everything...