I wish I embraced being the tall guy sooner, in both my personal and professional life.

I use to crouch and slouch and lean on things–literally make myself smaller.

Because I wanted to be more normal, less unique. In a weird way, less like me. I didn’t want to be the tall guy.

If I could go back in time, I would tell my younger self to just accept it, to just own it, to lean into it and embrace it. Everything in my life changed for the better when I started doing that.

I gained confidence. I started getting more positive attention. I felt more at ease.

The hard part, of course, is that I’m not sure I would’ve listened. We hear the advice all the time, it’s a cliché to say “just be yourself.”

When I used to hear that, I would just think that I was already being myself.

Only I wasn’t. Not really. Not deep down.

I guess that takes a long time to realize. To figure out who you really are, and to understand what it actually means to be yourself.

But there is a there there. Being yourself is a powerful, powerful thing.

These days, I run a wealth building business called Tallkirk Financial Group because people used to regularly come into the office and ask to talk to the tall guy.

That’s me.

It’s taken way longer than I would’ve liked, but I am the tall guy now. I own that. I lean into it, hard. And it pays dividends every day.

The advice to be yourself might not resonate with you right now. But if you can stick with it, if you work at trying to figure it out, I promise it will in time. And you’ll go on to reach new heights.

Something I know a thing or two about 🙂

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