Most people don’t know what they want. They just don’t.
Because it’s hard to know! Sometimes we get what we want, and we’re miserable. Other times, we get something different, and are pleasantly surprised.
What we want changes as we age and learn, meet new people and experience new things. We develop new tastes, new preferences, new desires.
We have to constantly keep rediscovering what we want. Or perhaps, we get to constantly engage in this dance with desire, influencing and shaping the things we want, figuring out what truly brings us joy.
The mistake is assuming you do. Thinking you know for certain what you want. Blindly believing that what you want is never going to change, despite how much and how frequently it’s changed in the past.
Look back ten years. Think about what you wanted then.
How different was that person and what they desired?
Now flash forward ten years and think about what you might want.
Somehow that’s much harder to imagine. We tend to think we’ll want more or less what we want now.
But we won’t. Wanting different things is a part of life.
The best we can do is continue to update what we think our preferences are as we get new information.
And to plan for change.
Because it’s constant.