When most people hear the word wealth, they think of money. Stocks, bonds and real estate. Financial wealth.

But you can also define wealth more broadly, as having a plentiful supply of any particular asset or resource.

Young people are wealthy in terms of time. People who have many strong connections with friends and family are socially wealthy. Health is a form of wealth.

Financial wealth is important and it no doubt contributes to our broader health and happiness.

But it also leaves a lot out. If you’re solely focused on financial wealth, you’re missing most of what matters.

If you have time, if you have your health, if you have energy and freedom and the desire to keep engaging in life, you’re richer than you think.

If you feel loved and cared for, if you laugh a lot, if your days are filled with joy, if you’re actively making memories you’ll one day look back upon fondly, you’re wealthy.

Plenty of millionaires would give it all up to go back in time, to repair relationships that are now broken beyond repair, to have all the forms of wealth money can’t buy.

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