Lots of people know what they should be doing with their finances.

* Saving a bit off every paycheck and investing for the long-term.
* Avoiding credit card debt, not living beyond their means.
* Protecting themselves against life’s biggest risks.
* Minimizing their lifetime tax bill.

But how many people do?

The problem is often less about not knowing better and more about not actually doing better.

That’s why it’s so easy for so many people to get bogged down in negative emotions. Feeling guilty and ashamed for not being in a better spot, for not being able to act on what they know.

Sometimes my job is about being a reliable source of information, knowing all the details about taxes, investment accounts, insurance policies, and mortgages.

Good information matters and can be incredibly useful.

But a lot of the time, I provide the most value when it comes to acting: implementing the plan, taking the steps, filling out the forms, improving behaviour and building good habits.

I help people start doing what they already know they should be. I help them close the gap between what they know and how they act.

In the end, the people who end up the farthest ahead, who achieve peace of mind and reach their goals and enjoy financial security, are not the people who know the most.

They are the people who consistently take action toward their goals.

That’s where I focus my time and attention, because it’s the part that matters most.

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